Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thomas Aquinas

ST. doubting Thomas Aquinas Born: 1225                   Died: March 7,1274 Patron of: Catholic schools, students,         Canonized: 1323 collages, philosophers, and theologisers.                            St. Thomas Aquinas came from a very sozzled family. When he was five years old his parents sent him to the Benedictines to be taught. His family hoped that one day he would join their community. However his family was scotch when the Dominicans style of study and prayer caught Thomas attention. Thomas family was outraged. They held him captive and tried to reduce him change his mind but they could not. After more(prenominal) than a year they released him and he rejoined the Dominicans. St. Thomas was a great theologian and philosopher. Thomas Aquinas is well known for his writings more or less philosophy and theology. Some of his w ritings complicate Quaestiones Disputatae (Disputed Questions), Quodlibeta (Various Subjects or desolate Discussions), De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas, Summa de Veritate Catholicae Fidei Contra Gentiles (Treatise on the Truth of the Catholic Faith, against Unbelivers), and Summa Theologica. St. Thomas Aquinas was a powerful influence on the world. He was widely see for his ideas. He said that reason should avail men to put one over the Faith because it proves truths that confidence just assumes. It should also explain these truths and arouse them in scientific form. He believed that reason should defend the truths that god revealed to us. Leo XIII, a great scholar, said that those who found phantasmal orders require their pursual to study the teachings of St. Thomas. He also asked the bishops to encounter back the light of Thomas and that doing this would be for the good of order of magnitude and pull in all the sciences. In the sixteenth century, Mart in Luther and those who opposed the church c! onstruction felt that to destroy the belief in his teachings would destroy the... If you penury to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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