Friday, January 24, 2014

The Troubles Northern Ireland Sufficiency Of Sourc

History coursework: The sufficiency of the evidence The Troubles broke out in northern ireland in 1969. There ar different conduce factors to this event. The Troubles was because of a division between nationalists and unionists in Northern Ireland many a(prenominal) of the nationalists were catholic and many of the unionists were protestant. these divisions were because of fear, ignorance and misunderstanding. These sources show the divisions and some show causes to the Troubles. credit D is an extract from a book The price of my soul by Bernadette Devlin (who became the youngest female MP and started the human rights group the Northern Irealand accomplished Rights Association). This source originates 1969 the year the troubles broke out but it concerns a period before ie: school days. It is an insight to a catholic education show how Devlin was influenced by the attitudes of a teacher mother benignus she had a proudly Irish Slant not sine qua non the English bec ause her family suffered during the easter rising (1916). Mother Benignus view was that the protestants werent Irish because of the plantation policy during the (17th. The source shows Bernadette Devlins education of a Catholic Irish History. The purpose of this source is to inform people of a catholic viewpoint of the situation in Northern Ireland the targeting interview was the protestants, british government and the USA. This source is Biased because it is written by a catholic and hasnt got a protestant point of view. Her views be affected by upbringing and they are disgriminatory. I deliver this source is useful because it go acrosss a catholic viewpoint most the protestants and the britsh. Protestants may be affected or offended by the content ie : not irish could contribute to the troubles as it may give raised conflict even more and tells us tight the divisions and views. This source is very similar to source G as it is a drawing from a protestant textbook present attacks by catholics and...If you want to ge! t a full essay, society it on our website:

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