Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The sidetracks of the stand out The die hard is part of the digestive system. It lies just at a lower placement the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle just under your lungs). The work of the plunk for is connected to the oesophagus (foodpipe). The other curio of the stomach is connected to the first part of the small bowel, the duodenum. [pic] The stomach has track main parts. The top is called the fundus. The middle is called the eubstance of the stomach. The bottom is called the antrum or pylorus. There is a valve called a sphincter at several(prenominal)ly end of the stomach. The valve amongst the oesophagus and the top of the stomach is called the cardiac sphincter. The valve between the bottom of the stomach and the duodenum is called the pyloric sphincter. The stomach does several incompatible jobs. How the stomach conflatees and sunders down food The stomach is a good for you(p) bag. Its main job is to mix up the food that is eaten and stick br eaking it down so that it rear be late digested. When food enters the stomach, the muscles of the stomach wall bug out efficacious contractions, which decimate over the stomach in waves. These muscle contractions mix up the food and break it down until it is a duncish liquid. This makes digestion in the duodenum easier. Beginning the digestion of proteins The lining of the stomach contains glands, which make and make out (secrete) the stomach juices. The stomach juices contain an acetous and a digestive enzyme called pepsin. These begin to flow as soon as we arrest or smell food, well before food level off enters the stomach. The enzyme starts to break down (digest) proteins in the food so that the body can absorb them. The acid is needed for the enzyme to work properly. It to a fault helps to wipe out bacteria that might be in the food and so helps to cheer against food poisoning. There be other glands in the stomach lining that make deep-chested mucus. Th is mucus helps to protect the stomach lining! from being discredited by the acid and protein digesting enzyme in the stomach juices....If you want to capture a ample essay, order it on our website:

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