Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Are We Or Are We Not The Prisoners?

Are we or are we not the prisoners? Are we or are we not the prisoner or our throw conceptions? In the cave allegory, Plato describes the human condition as a skid of blissful ignorance. I agree with Plato that we are prisoners of our avow belief. In this essay, I describe my own opinions and issues to answer some of the questions. The eldest question that I would like to discuss is, Are we prisoners to our own beliefs and notions of truth? I believe that we are prisoners to our own beliefs because since puerility different beliefs and notions of truth have been imposed on me through and through family, friends, and society. After being an adult, even though I came to scupper out that many of these beliefs are not material, it makes me wonder sometimes if it were significant, would I be any happier. For instance, when I was child, my family told me that Santa Clause is real and will make my wish come true on Christmas. For years I believed that Santa was real an d every Christmas the gifts I real were fro...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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