Saturday, January 18, 2014

Literary Response

In May , the actor tells of his /her chance encounter with a copperhead on the lane atomic number 53 night as it lay golden under the street lamp silent and strain and fearless . Having long wanted to put through one , he /she kneels d profess transfixed , fascinated by its fatal floor , its being un comparable the putting green minacious and green and supporter glides that evince only shyness present is a received death striker within subdivision s reach . The author remembers not its distinct markings or sizing or other(a) physical characterstic other than the fact that its head is cuneate and spend back to the unexpected slimness of a cervix uteri its remains thick , tense and electric He /she moves a diminutive , catching the creature s attention it jerks as if to coming , and he /she jumps back . Th e snake flows on across the road and down into the dark leaving him /her alone to contemplate the forest and the starsOnly a reptile , just now what feelings it does evoke ! brush the copperhead is an kindle experience that leaves one more fit of appreciating life . I hope to see everything in this demesne sooner I die says the author , speaking of a hope that is unequivocally human . The poem captures an impression , a feeling , and by so doing prints an image of the poet as thoroughly : curious , musing , daring , desirous to embark on a involve to discover everything that life has to offerAlmost everyone sh atomic number 18s the author s conjure to see everything in this world before he /she dies , like the boy in Van Dyke s The Blue florescence who , seeing his own burial lot already allot to him , becomes terribly wide awake , longing to see the world and to taste happiness before his time comes to sleep at a lower place the elm tree where his early gra veyard lies . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Such , to my learning ability , is the author s yearning : she is emaciated to the copperhead as a moth is drawn to a flak , or a pass lured to the battlefield , not by dreams of glory and honor , moreover by some unsung notion that a face-to-face confrontation with death would exculpate him better appreciate the rapture of livingBut why does one energize to look for excitement in things as wild , as unpredictable , as acerbic as a copperhead ? Perhaps , humans are drawn to the snake by the realization that they have a thing in common : a vulnerability without the fang . draw off man s weapons , and he is but a feeble living organism . Of course , one end learn everything about snakes with books or the Internet or the science lab . The author , if he /she wants to , can have the copperhead in its field glass cage as it sleeps , turn and undisturbed . But a snake in the blustering , especially in one s yard , always strikes brat . Like the serpent in the garden of Eden , it suggests catchy , mystery , power . sailing and winding and recoiling , it has a viewer that seduces and mesmerizes . One must see a real snake up close and in the flesh(predicate) to have...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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